League of legends mac client freezes every few seconds
League of legends mac client freezes every few seconds

league of legends mac client freezes every few seconds

Those blue and purple lines mean where your jungler is going to travel and the purple teams jungler is gonna travel. Your jungler is going to all over the jungle. Usually,an AD carry goes bottom lane with his or her support.Īssassin or Melee goes at the top of the lane. So who is suppose to go where? This is actually really simple. The red arrows are to show you the lanes and of course the black text shows you what lane it is,lastly the blue and purple lines shows where each teams jungler will go. Now that we've learned what category each champion falls under next you have to learned where each champion goes and what they do on the battle field. Example of Stealth Champions are: Rengar, Shaco, Twitch,and Vayne. This attribute is mainly for assassin champions. Example of Support Champions: Nami, Soraka, Teemo,and Zilean.Ĭhampions that possess at least one ability that allows them to become invisible to enemies (other than when near turrets, vision wards, and enemy champions that have consumed an Oracle's Elixir). These champions usually rely on their skills more than their auto-attack. One of the main goals of a support is to let their lane partner farm minions for gold, as supports can buy key gold+ items to get gold for themselves, as well as controlling the map with wards, warding all key areas of the map. The most common ability for a support champion is providing an ally with a shield of some kind. They can either babysit a champion to make laning easier for them by providing healing, buffing allies, applying debuffs to the enemy team, or a combination of the above. Garen, Katarina,and TaricĬhampions whose skills are meant to directly aid the rest of the team. Examples of Ranged Champions are: Brand, Corki, Draven,and Lulu.Ĭhampions whose skills don't involve any complicated mechanics and playing them effectively does not require extensive knowledge of the other champions.Examples of Recommended Champions: Ashe. Example of a Pusher Champions are: Alistar, Nidalee, Viktor,and Ziggs.Ĭhampions whose basic attack can cause damage at a distance, allowing them to avoid many harmful risks and increasing their flee capability. Typically, champions that destroy turrets/inhibitors have pets and/or AoE abilities and/or a high amount of attack speed. Example of Mage Champions are: Annie, Lux, Rumble,and Swain.Ĭhampions that can quickly kill minion waves and/or destroy turrets/inhibitors in a short amount of time. Like carry champions, they can bring their team to victory due to their ability power, but tend to fall off in the very late game. Some are meant to deal a high amount of damage in a short period of time(burst casters/burst mages) while others usually deal damage over time. Usually you have a jungler for 5v5 only.Example of a jungler champions are Diana, Elise, Volibear,and Warwick.Ĭhampions with powerful magic damage skills or support skills but low defense. Like 1v2 is an example of ganking and what a jungler can do. Junglers can help out other fellow team mates such as ganking or is simple terms making it unfair fight. An example of a fighter are Jax, Jayce, Nunu & Willump,and Wukong.Ī jungler is someone who goes around in the jungle killing the monsters. These Just like any other champion they can get really strong if fed a lot. Examples of a carry are Ashe, Miss Fortune, Varus,and Vayne.Ĭhampions that blend the attributes of a damager and tank, combining moderate to heavy survivability with the damage of an assassin or carry. You have to make sure you build your carry right for him/her to be strong just like you would any other champion. These champions are usually high team DPS with a high amount of maneuverability / escaping ability, making it easier to get very positive kill/death ratios. A carry is suppose to 'carry' you to victory. An example of champions who are a assassin are Ahri, Akali, Fizz, Katarina, and LeBlanc.Ī carry is champion who is weak in the begging,but can become really strong towards the end. These champions are usually strong and can be tough to kill if they are fed. On mobafire it is quoted that these champions go after the the enemy's AD/AP Carry or any other "squishy" champion. Note there is a glossary at the end of this guide for acronyms.Ī champion who specializes in killing one champion as fast as possible. Read down below to learn what each of these mean.Keep in mind,each champions can be more than one. Good news is each champion is labeled i.e. It's okay,you're not going to know how each champion works just yet. League has tons of champions to choose from and at times it can be overwhelming to a new player.

League of legends mac client freezes every few seconds